Wednesday, December 7, 2011
A very sweet gift from a very sweet friend :)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
SPM over, birthday starts baby .

Well, I appreciate mum's effort by buying me a cake and my favourite sushiess.. and her lovely lovely loving birthday card for me.. I love my mom. Surely she's the best mom ever! :)) She'd never forget your birthday and not even a cake. Though it's not very special, but in way, still special. By having her beside me still, is my greatest gift. Though I arranged the candles by myself on my own cake, I light it up and I took pictures of it by myself, well mum took some too. It's not as great as how it was.. guess it's a sign that I'm getting older.. Hmm I miss how when I was younger I get to go this speacial place.. get loads of gifts and stuffs. It was hell fun and I enjoyed alot. I miss those moments, wishing I could turn back time. :)

My god.. how much lonelier can I be ? I miss my last year's birthday. They suprised me well, I had much fun and I love it! I can never forget it as I love it though it's a memory when I was in love with someone. It's painful to think how much of the good and the bad memories we've had and finaly it has come to an end. I'm glad it ended this year. I may not even want to think of the bad things and think negatively about everything. I must have this positive things around me then only I can be happy. And this is what I'm doing now. I think I'm just gonna accept everything and just be me. Tired of being angry and depressed all time. It's almost christmas and I wish him nothing but the best. Hoping that he'll never turn back anymore. All the best in everything you do :)
Sorry mates if it's boring, I'll try to come up with better ones next time okay. It's just that I'm not exactly that happy today..I'm just excited that there's no more uniforms :) Hoping that tomorow will be a better day.. please keep reading, I'll try make some funny stories okay.. :) love yalll xx . I'm hell yeah happy that school time has finally come to an end. HELL YEAHH. Love SHER xx ;)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
What are we ?
What are we ? I don't understand.. why do I keep calling you, texting you like as if I'm with you while we're so not. Why do we talk to each other like nothing has ever happened before.. ? Why? I feel like something is missing.. I like this relationship but I don't feel right. Does this even considered as a relationship? Just, what are we? He said he loves me, I said me too but I don't want having any relationship with him. My brain said that I should not mix around much with him, because I'll fall for him again and soon I'll get hurt again.. but my heart says a different thing, who knows that second chance might be worth it. I can't let my heart suffers seeing him each time. I love him, but I have to let him go.. he refused.. I'm stuck. I don't know what to do.. and this what happens. We both loving each other, act like we're together but we're not. No commitment and nothing. Should I just leave it this way.. or just accept him? He likes it this way, but I don't feel right having a relationship this way. When I love a person, I'll be with the person, stay with the person, and love only that person. Somehow I think it's karma. I once hurt his feelings.. very deeply.. then after few months I found out that he was still waiting for me knowing that one day I'll return to him, and funny how bad I don't want having a relationship with him, at last, I ended up being.. with him! Then I had loved him truly, gave him everything I could give, stayed with him trusted him, and all I could ever think of at the end of the day, was him. But somehow he betrayed me, he never cheated me by having another girl but it's just that he changed.. after I left him he became very rude and not like how I thought he would be. He did nonsense things behind my back.. and hurt me in many ways.. but still, I hold onto it. I said, nah he's just stressed out, maybe he needs time to chill and so I gave him space. But still.. he's doing the same thing again and again, talk to very rudely, treat me like a trash like a dog like a piece of shit until I just can't take it anymore. Until I thought that this is just too much and so I left him. But it's more like he left me. And now, he came back again after 6 months. After bloody 6 months only he had realised just how much love and sacrifice I've put in. I think 6 months is just way too late to apologise but somehow I'm still so kind to you. I'm weird. I think I'm an idiot. My bloody brain said he doesn't deserve this kindness from me. But my heart still loves only him. But why? After all he's done to me, why am I still wasting my time with him? All the people around me disagree of me being together back with him, but at the end, it's all in my hands. I will decide what to do. But deciding to start loving him back or not is just so hard. I wish he never turned back. So that I can continue my life with new people around me. If you love me.. why can't you just let me go? Though I never wanted you to go.. never once.. And now that I'm stuck .. I think staying this way is better.. no commitments, we can do anything we want.. there will be no fights.. but I don't feel right. So this kind of relationship won't last. There will be a day when either I will go to you and be with you or stop any kind of relationship I have with you right now. I just need time to think about it.. So many things that I have to think about now rather than love. I have my freaking SPM papers which actually will be held by tomorow. :[ wish me luck!
Eh, esok SPM. :[
Unbeliveable. Yes, the first SPM paper will be held tomorow, 8.00AM. And it's bahasa, then the next day will be English. I'm kinda like half nervous and half cool. Somehow I can still write in my blog.. hmmm.. I don't know how I'll do tomorow.. I'll just wish that I'll do it very smoothly. I'm not that good in education.. but I'll try my best though... this is sad.. all I can do now is just hope that I can do it.. I don't wanna see my parents face turn down when the result is out.. I hope the results will turned out to be like how I expected it to be.. to my dear friends and whoever it is, if I ever hurt you before or being snobby and what so ever. .. all I can say now is sorry.. people tend to forget what they have.. I am sorry.. and I never have the intention to hurt you... and most of all, I thank to everyone that has supported me till the end, thank you so much for beliving that I can do it, thank you for making me belive in myself that I can do it. Hope the papers won't be so hard.. please wish me all the best, please pray for me, God bless me. T_T
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Beautiful Moon Ring
First time ever in my life I saw this maginificent beautiful full moon with a ring around it. Magnificent. Wonderful! Well I was messaging my friends and stuffs, one of them was Nana! haha He asked me to go watch the moon outdside and so I looked at the moon, and I go ' OH MY GOD'.. it's just so freaking beautiful.. I searched in google they said it is called as "Moon Ring" and also known as "Winter Halo".. nice eh.. hahaha .. according to the wikipedia.... they said it's a phenomenon that usually appears in conjunction with a full moon.. There appears to be a whitish ring, approximately 10 to 20 times the
size of the moon, surrounding the moon and centered on it. It is caused
by refraction of the light from the full moon in the ice particles
floating in the clouds, as opposed to a rainbow, where light refracts in
the water vapor that makes up the clouds. Since this happens most
effectively at a certain angle, this ring appears at the bottom of the
clouds, and since similar triangles must form between the moon, the
refracting surface, and the observation point, the "highlighted" clouds
are at approximately the same distance from the moon, creating the image
of a ring.
In ancient beliefs it is believed that a moon ring means very warm
days before the winter storm. It is also said that the number of days
can be counted by counting the stars inside the ring. If you count 15
stars then you have 15 days before a winter storm is to come. Uh oh. Winter storm? How could that be here in Malaysia lol.. We'll never know.... woot woot.. :P The moon just gave me this such romantic feeling ya know... haha if I have a boyfriend at that moment beside me I wonder what I'd do to him! hahahaha LOL... haih.. It was indeed beautiful and all the memories came back to me.. damn.. memories can never be vanished.. It'll stuck there and hunt you forever until the day that you breathe for the last timeeeee of your life. I hope there will be a Moon Ring again on my birthday!!!! lol.. hehehe... Thanks peeps for reading. I'll come up again with better ones soon okay. xoxo ( Monday, 12PM, 10/10/11)

Friday, October 7, 2011
45 Things A Girl Wants, But Wont Ask For.
1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.
Are you remembering this?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.
11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say “I love her more than you”, deny it. Fight
back and hug her tight so she can’t get to her friends. It makes her
feel loved.
Are you thinking of someone?
16. Always hug her and say I love you whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she’s beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
One last thing you need to do to show her you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car - it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22. Tell her she’s your everything - only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her - if she denies
something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT - so
just hug her.
24. Make her feel loved.
25. Kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know!
26. Don’t lie to her.
27. DON’T cheat on her.
28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants.
29. Text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school, and how much you miss her.
30. Be there for her whenever she needs you, and even when she doesn’t
need you, just be there so she’ll know that she can always count on you.
31. Hold her close when she’s cold so she can hold you too.
32. When you are alone hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the cheek; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will
automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her
chin up and kiss her lightly.
35. Don’t ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you’re mad. If she’s upset, comfort her.
36. When people diss her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can
listen to the steady beat of your heart, link your fingers together
while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other grab her hand.
40. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.
41. Call or text her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
42. Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for long walks at night.
44. Always remind her how much you love her.
45. Sit on top of her and tell her how much you love her and then bend
down to her face and kiss her while you’re sitting on her.
You’ll never know when she needs just a little more love .. ♥!
Found this on Nana's wall! I think it's just so true. I personally actualy always thought of this whenever I go date with someone. I am wishing and hoping someone I like would just come up to me one day on my birthday perhaps? Hey my crush, do you know how long I've been keeping this feeling for you? haha no one knows whom I like for now.. I get confused on myself quite sometimes too~! lol
Anyways.. kepada jejaka - jejaka or gentlemen out there.. please try this.. haha for seriously.. This is not just any crap.. this is good crap trust me.. I as girl I know because I'm a girl! lol I myself has been dreaming of having this kind of darling! Teruk - teruk I berangan tau. hahah.. susah betul nak dapat ones that have this quality! Girls yang dah jumpa boys like this, weh I jealous ni! Dah jumpa, don't use him later on!
What's important in relationship is honesty, trust, communication, staying involve with each other, getting through conflicts, keeping outside relationships and interests alive andd.. still communication. Communicating with each other is the keyy to any relationship! Plus, being honest, and having the trust would make it last longer. I think. Hehe :D
Goodluck GENTLEMEN!! gentle lah sangat.
Friday, September 23, 2011
2 Girls 1 Cup or Hungry Bitches?
WHAT THE SMURF?! Fucking idiots will do that shit, they are making and eating shit anways. BAHLUL. what the fish wei... what is going on with people these days? what the hell are they doing?! Are they really out of their mind ? What a bunch of pyschoes la. How idiot can they be? They must've tried dog's shit, cat's shit and all sorts of shit. What the hell, they actualy shit together, playing the shit in their mouth and throw up the shit back into each other's mouth! HUMAN nowdays are 10x WORST than animals. Even animals don't do such thing..well I've seen a cat eating another cat's shit, but that's just because they do not have brains you idiots! Why the hell people nowdays are soooooo addictive to sex ? Wei bahlul you nak HIV ka? pergi mati la lu. If I ever wanted to date a guy, oh how I wish to find a decent guy. A guy that don't fucking eat shit. And a guy who is not addictive to sex.
(Go to this site for more :
And one thing, how the fuck can a guy asked me for sex ? WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST FUCKING ASKED ME ? IDIOT! Who the hell do you think I am, a prostitude ? You think I'm that cheap ? Plus, you even said, that you won't tell anyone. Who the hell are you man, gosh. Go be a gigolo la, you can have all sorts of women with big money. You can be rich with HIV la ha ? Not bad what ?? Or just fucking suck your own dick la, you can break the world record, that would be cool. could be an advantage for you also aieh ? Not bad aeh ? I don't even know you, we're not even close to friends! Idiotic son of a smurf.
Monday, September 19, 2011
I Smile
* I sing this song to myself, almost every song that describes my feelings I'll sing to myself since no one would sing for me! lol I have me and myself.. So since I have me, I let ME sing for ME!!! In that way, I love ME more <33 I thank me.. for loving ME the way me is!! <33 lol.
I mean, I am trying to tell myself that I am not alone, and I taught myself to be strong and stand up for myself. I learn so many things everyday. And when I've made a mistake, I take that as a lesson today for a better day tomorow. And if I feel like I'm the worst out of the worst, I will tell myself, that if do think so I'm worst, bad, idiot or whatsoever, I will shout to myself in my heart saying " If you wanna be the best among the best, be one, act like one, wake up, stand up, show your true colours and do everything at the best you can" I will motivate myself like that. I will not let myself down. If people ever say I'm ugly, I'm fat, hideous and the worst of worst they said to me, I won't let those words bring me down.
I learnt to love myself not so long ago, and nothing can hurt me so easily now. I am wiser after all the incidents, experiences, mistakes I had.. I have no regrets and I am living an superb awsome life right now with all the superb and such wonderful people around me, before this, I never try to know myself, i never put the efforts to do so as I thought I know myself and I thought I loved myself but I neve was, and I keep hurting myself in certain ways. I was near the edge and I fell, I was lost, they told me, it's okay, I'm here for you, you have a long way more to go, stand up, you are strong and they gave me the smile. So I smile, and I learnt so be stronger. I learnt to be strong in so many ways.
Everytime my tear drops, there will always someone who will hold my hand and brighten up my day. And they are my friends. My true friends whose always there for me. Now that I am stronger, happier it was all because of them and I guess now it's my turn to give them what they deserve, that is, my honesty, loyalty and love.
( the more you love yourself, the better you know yourself, the bigger the love you have for others, the wiser your thinking, the bigger the smile you have, the more people will love you, the bigger your heart, the more happy you will be!) so love yourself before you start to love anyone other than you! <3 haha :)
Need the courage to smile and be stronger ?? Maybe this song below could give you the courage, take a look! :-
To every each one of you, there will always be a shade behind your oh my happy smile, only you yourself know it.. I just want to share the songs that gives me courage to be stronger and I hope it works for you too.. And I just want my loved ones to always be happy, which is my family, my parents mostly!! , my lovely old friends (Nur Atiqah, Ain Salsabila, Nurul Saidah, Gusnimal Sofia and dear I'll never forget you, Fazlieana* I love you guys like so damn much!*), My EQ friends (the f4's, f3's and f5's especially),EQ teachers, ex EQ students no I'll never forget you guys, Aunty!! JANET! Sis Anita, Coach.. And lastly my best sistas : Nitz, Sharanya, Kavi, Tresa and Sunita <3Oh not to mention, my lovey dovey facebook friends!!! :D I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! I love you guys with all my heart!! <3<3 All of you guys, are already tatooed right at the bottom of my heart, here, now and forever. :) If you ever feel low, remember me, I'll make you feel high. LOL NO.. I mean, remember me, you know you can call me up and hey, my ears are all yours then . :D
Now, lets have our sunny day!! :-
I don't know how I'll be without you... :-
Okay now let's shake our assets TONIGHT!! and especially on that very day! DECEMBER 6!!!! Where my last SPM paper ends! And my smurfing BIRTHDAY startsss!!! Oh yeah <3
And keep our heads up! ....
Thank You for viewing! Please come again soon! <3
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Conor Maynard
Not to mention, oh how I love Conor Maynard. His voice I'm telling you, it's like and angel's voice!! Though it's just cover music videos :-
seriously, it's awsome . I just LOVE him!!! Conor !! YOU ARE AMAZING!!
He got me addicted to all of his cover music videos!! he just have that amazing voice. =.='
He got me addicted to all of his cover music videos!! he just have that amazing voice. =.='
stuffs now i listen to,
My current favourite songs!! Let's share some of my fav's and your's. Tell me what you like! :D
Keri Hilson - One Night Stand ft. Chris Brown
Mmmmh, damn I'm loving the beats goshhh. I just love KERI HILSON!!! <33 How I wish I can just dance like a pro man. Grr. Anyone out there to teach me few steps ?? I love to dance. I have the passion!! lol.. Anyone, please, take me.. to the dancefloor.. lol I need to loosen up the crazyness inside of me!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Someone to Love by Shayne Ward
She came along
Broke the spell
And set me free
Pushed aside
What use to be
All the broken hearted man that once was me
I never gave it up
I always believe
When she's in my arms I know what I achieve
So hear my loneliness
I'm giving up on you
I don't need you anymore
I've found what I've been looking for
So hear my emptiness
I've got no room for you
I've finally found what I've been dreaming of
Someone to love
Cos I was lost
I was down and out
Until that day
I knew what my life was all about
Still wonder how
She came my way
She's the reason I'm smiling here today
So hear my loneliness
I'm giving up on you
I don't need you anymore
I've found what I been looking for
So hear my emptiness
I've got no room for you
I've finally found what I've been dreaming of
Someone to love
To hold
To be my inspiration
Someone to touch, to cherish for life
So hear my loneliness
I'm giving up on you
I don't need you anymore
I've found what I been looking for
So hear my emptiness
I've got no room for you
I've finally found what I've been dreaming of
Someone to love
Someone to love
Oh baby
So hear my emptiness
I've got no room for you
I've finally found what I've been dreaming of
I've finally found what I've been dreaming of
Someone to love
Someone to love
* dedicated to you.. love..
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Lontong Uncle.
HAHA, a very funny moment I had earlier at the lontong king's restaurant.. I call him Uncle Lontong. Lol.. Okay.. Me and my mom went to the bazar ramadhan today, and we stop by at his shop to buy bottles of kacang. As he called my mom for like few times, and my mom are like his regular customer. I think he realllyyyy likes us so much. As soon as he saw us, he approach us like VVVVVVIP. I like that uncle, very sporting, cool, spontaneous and super super funny because of his behaviour. Okay, what's funny was that my mom bought 12 bottles of ground nuts, and we left 3 bottles, by the time we realized was that we're already half way home, so my mom had to make a turn to take the other 3. My mom stayed in the car I went out and take the other 3. I came inside, and he's like " oh oh, yes yes ape dia yang ? " And so I told him that I left 3 bottles of kacang, then he goes, 'OHHHHH, alamak, tunggu tunggu. " he called his daughter " Ammm! Ammm!, Ni tolong pack 3 lagi botol kacang untuk kakak ni, cepat! " Daughter : "Haa? iye iye kejap " (.....) Uncle L : AMMMM!!! CEPAT LAHHH" Daughter : "Iye iye datanglah niii" Uncle L : "Haa, mari mari sini, duduk dulu, duduk dulu. " ( to me ) Me : Oh okay uncle.. thank you.. Uncle L : " AMMM! Ape buat tu!! Sini dulu lahh! cepat!! " I was laughing like hell in the inside... Guess what, while I was waiting he was sitting at the corner writing. Then he came to me and gave me a piece of paper with a name and a number. Whose number? Uncle L : Haa nih, Famey, anak uncle, amik amik.. nanti kalau dia tanya sape bagi nombor, kata Daddy bagi.. kata daddy suruh. Tau? Me: Ohh ye ye uncle.. ( lol) okay uncle... ( laughing like hell) Uncle L : uncle sporting tak ?? hahaha anak uncle die tengah jaga kedai tu kat belakang tu... nanti call call la dia.. tengah single tuu " Me : Hehe okay uncle! thank you! Okay.. maybe thsi story to you aren't so nice, not as funny as you thought it would be, but to me it's freaking hillarious, you guys should've seen his expression and stuffs. Hahaaaa.. How can an uncle, gave his son's number to a girl without him knowing ??? hahahha!!! He's been talking to me about his son for about a year by now. Haiyaaa.. uncle you are so funny one aaa. Another funny moment I wanna share with you guys. It's between my dad and me. This time was after buka puasa. And there are fruits on the table he asked me to take for him. Dad : Shada, betik ada lagi tak atas meja? Me : Hmm? apa yah? Dad : betik, betik.. Me : Hmmm? pemetik? hmm??? ( i go round, round the table searching for a lighter) Tak da yah... jap.. ( I went to the kitchen and took a match to my dad.) Dad: Eh bukan mancis lah!! BETIK. Me : Eh kejap, ayah nak apa, cakap lagi sekali ( I went to my dad and put my ear near him) Dad : Betik lah! betikk! Me : OHHHH OOHHH!!!! BETIK!! OHH betik!! ok ok ok ok.. sorryy sorry ada ada.... kejap.. ( taking a plate of betik to my dad ) Dad: haih.... Me : hehehehe... sorrry ayah.. shada pekak sikit.. telinga tersumbat... umm sebab demam la ayah..sorrry... hidung shada pun tersumbat ni.. hehe.. sorry ayah.. heh.. At the time I thought my dad said pemetik... pemetik api or something and so I went to kitchen and took a box of match to my dad ... LOL.... hahahhahahah . I was quite deaf that day because my ear was blocked, I was sick, my nose was also bloked and I'm having sore throat till today. Ohh god... what a life... I just couldn't stop laughing thinking about it again and again... and what? A random guy asked me, baru balik kerja ke...? Me: ( ????????) Ehh haha tak da lahh. :).. I was like what? I'm only 17!!!!!! Do I look that old you people?! Goshhh! But hey, not even 17 yet! I'm only 16 1/2 !! haizzz... it's okay nevermind.. I can cheat for movies.. hehe.... okay.. gotta go.. sorry if it's not interesting, I'll try to come up with better ones soon. xxx have a nice day ! muah muah. ;)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Sweet Grand Parents..
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I said, Nek peace nek peace!! :D |
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I held her hand in the car then she never let go. |
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Covered her face as I was taking a pic of her. |
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Hari Raya, my late grandpa with my bro in law. ( sorry senget) |
An 85+ years old grandmother of mine, mother's side.. The one and only grandma I have right now. Gotta appreciate the presence of her, gotta take care of her, while shes still living in the same roof with me, she needs her grandchild to entertain her, to help her, to love her, to be with her. She is old and more like a child. Her shoe size is 2 unlike mine around 7 to 8. I don't wanna lose her like how I lost my grandpa few years back. I miss my grandpa, his love, his laughter, his smile.. I miss him to the max. I still remember where he used to sneak out from his room to the kitchen around 12 a.m just to take few ice cubes to his mouth. Hehe, I saw him, I silently walking and I hid, he was on a wheel chair from his room slowly he turned it when he arrived in the kitchen by the fridge, he will look left and right, he'll make sure no one sees him taking the ice cubes, but atuk! gotcha! hehe, It was so cute, imagine, with no teeth, sneaking out at night to the kitchen to eat ice cubes :') So many funny memories I had with my grandpa, he used to get angry with me, oh yeah! I remembered my grandma chase after me for bringing a lost cat from school! Hehe! Because shes the one who'll be feeding the cats and stuffs, I was still young at the time, I was around standard 3. Imagine a grandmother chasing a 9 years old girl with a cat in her arms infront of the house ? hahah!!! FUNNY! Lastly she can't catch me she locked the door and left me outside until my mom's home around 6pm, she locked me around 12 ++ or maybe 1 ++pm.. Omg.. hahahah, Hmm. And there are times where I used to fight with my grandpa for changing the channel, I was watching disney then he changed to Tv3 to watch berita and gerak khas! I ran crying to my room because I can't watch my channel. Hehe. That happens everyday. I told him "Atuk, kan dah bace surat khabar pagi tadi, kenape nak tengok berita tv3 lagi, bagi la chance shada tengok movie shada pulak! Asyik2 atukk jee!! " , Atuk : " Surat khabar tak best". Then I merajuk. hahahah. When I was in primary school, I hate school, I don't like going to school, as people like to bully me alot, took my money, SPIT on me. I was such such a loser in primary school seriously, when I wanted to fold my school tudung like how every normal school girl do right, I'll be like tarik tudung bawah2 until my whole face is covered, then I lipat at the side, then I pull it back. I look rediculous. LOL.. Okay the point I'm telling you about school while in primary is because whenever I didn't go to school that time, my late grandpa will be searching for me, and I'll be hiding either under the blanket in my mom's room, in the toilet, or in the wardrobe.. Lol.. He'll be with a freaking huge rotan and calling my nickname, " shadaaa! mane kamu, pergi sekolah cepat! Asal tak pergi sekolah!! Nanti Atuk sebat karang! " Then he caught me, that time my bro also never went to school.. He caught the both of us, then ask us to lift the round chair, what ah, oh we call it "bangku" .. He asked us to lift the bangku for hours, whipped us, scolded us kow2.. Lol.. We cried like hell. hahahah! So funny. I regret and realised when he left. I used to scold him for taking ice cubes because his legs was swollen. And he was having alot of diease. ALOT. I acted as if I was older. LOL.. But I was just so young.. I remembered my science teacher told me, if human's shit turns black that means, masanya dah nak sampai lah tu.. Tak lama je lagi.. That's when I was in form 2, my late grandpa was deadly sick. He could not control his digestion and stuffs, and when I found out about the black feces, I freaked out, and started to take care of him more seriously, after few days back, I was guiding him with his medications, he told me " shada, nanti.. bila atuk dah takde.. shada tolong jaga nenek ye.. " then I cut the line, I get angry, because I don't want him to go, I told him " atuk jangan cakap bukan2 la, atuk akan duduk sini sampai bila2! Atuk sihat lagi ni.. tu shada kate jangan amik ice! Degil la atuk ni.. " then my late grandpa was quiet and took his medication.. T_T few weeks back.. He fell in the toilet, he couldn't get up his head was bleeding, he fell in the toilet naked, in such a messy condition.. my 2 bros went and help to lift him up, he cried, I was so sad by the time, I was shocked and very sad to see his condition.. My mom called an ambulance, mom asked me to feed him, I fed him half boiled eggs as that what he wants, and gave him drink warm water. He was laying on the floor, and I fed him while he was laying on the cold floor. And he was suffering to eat it. Then he was sent to the hospital, a few days in the hospital, my brother and my mom's brother ( paklong).. slept in the hospital together with my grandpa, the next day at dawn, either my bro or my uncle realised suddenly they tried to talk to him, he didn't respond, then they checked him, and.. he's gone. My brother straight call my mom and when we heard the news, it was the most heart breaking news ever in my life, the first person ever that I love passed away. The first person in my family, living in the same roof, passed away. I didn't get the chance to apologised to him, I was crying in bedroom.. Few months back, I dreamt of him, in his room, I went to his room, my late grandpa was laying on the bed was very healthy with my grandma.. In that dream, he already passed away, I went to his room because I miss the presence of him, but then suddenly my grandpa was there, I wet my face with tears and apologise to him straight away, and the said, " shada, atuk maafkan shada.... " I hugged him tightly and I keep repeating " atuk, atuk " crying .. sob sob T_T Then I woke up all of the sudden and my face was wet. My eyes were red and full of tears. Okay.. enough of the sad story, grr I cried while typing this.. I miss my late grandpa. Haihh.. Okay.. maybe you guys also very tired of reading my craps. Cerita pun tunggang langgang. lol Sorry! So you guys, if you still have your grandparents, value and love them to the max, their not gonna be long here, love them!! They're your only grandparents. Entertain them, talk to them, though they might be pelupa, orang tua, biasalah. They'll keep asking the same question again an again, it happens to me many times with my grandma.. Its a pizza she said kepala ikan. =.= I told her, nek.. ni bukan kepala ikan.. ni roti.. roti pizza nek... Nenek : hmm ? hmm then continues eating.. Nenek : Ape besar sangat kepala ikan tu.. ? Eeeh geli aku. Me : Nek... ni bukan kepala ikan.. ni roti nek.. pizza nek.. Nenek : Pizza ? Eeeh. ntah ape tah.. geli aku.. Me: Iye lahh nekk... Mom: LOL-ling.. hahah Nenek : Apa tu.. kepala ikan apa tu.. apa makan kepala ikan tu.. sedap ke ? Mom : hahah, Roti lah mak, pizza.. pizza.. Nak sikit ? Nenek : Eeeh, tamau aku,, and continues eating.. ........ hahahahaha.... I was like.. " ?????? nenekk!! " hahahaha This happen sahur pagi tadi. So funny and cute.. hahaha Okay its 12.04 am August 4th. I tak tidur lagi, later gotta wake up by 5am.. haiya.... then later will have to go to school, belajar juga adalah suatu ibadat.. haaa, pergi la sekolah.. orang yang perut lapar berpuasa kerana Allah, hati lebih tenang pemikiran lebih tajam so I thought of that, I aso pergilah sekolah.. hahahaha Okay.. enough of the crappy stories of mine, sorry if you think reading this is waste of time, sorry I didnt waste your time, you visited and read my craps, Haha you! anyway hope you guys get something by reading this.. Maybe some moral values... I hope you guys get it... lol.. I love you guys.. muah muahh! Have a nice day people. Don't worry, be Happy ;) smile always xxooxo.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Love of a family..
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Akak Aini's few years back birthday, I have forgotten when. |
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Akak Aini and Akak Anim in Akak Anim's room lol. |
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Akak Aini SASSY |
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Ouh, bubble :D ( outside of the house ) |
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Akak Aini's 23rd's birthday, this year. |
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when she was 21. |
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when she was even younger(outside of the house, at the fish pond with my Kaknim) |
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When she's even younger! This is captured in US. |
It was only a dream.

As i lay here in bed,
I think of you..
I begin to wonder,
Do you think of me too?

I imagine you're next to me,
Pulling me close,
I feel your kiss..
As you caress my skin.
My heart beats so fast,
Pounding louder every scond,
I begin to tremble,
As i taste your sweet lips.
I find that I gasp for air,
To replace the breath that you just took away.
My body and soul,
Are slipping into a heavenly bliss.
Your hands are my every inch,
With such ease and tenderness.
I want this moment to last,
Not one can escape,
I want to stay in your arms,
But then I suddenly awake.
It was only a dream,
Just a desire,
But in reality...
You have set, my heart on fire..
Sickness over me.
Yes I am sick. T_T Well in school I just couldn't focus 101 %, The desire in me has gone low, I feel very weak, sleeping is all I do. I just woke up from my bed with the heat up to 100 degrees lol joke well that's too much then. I don't know but still my throat hurts !! Hmm seriously I feel so so so tired.. Anybody ? Help me ? Call me a doctor!! Male doctor please, surely I'll get well as soon as I saw him. HAHA. If he's hot. IF. LOL.. Hmm guys, a reminder, don't drink cold drinks too much, because this is what happens. I only drink cold drinks most of the time. heh.. Drink water alot okay. haha haiz.. bye guys.. I can't wait nak buka puasa. Weee~ Love you loads muah muah! please folow me!!! Hehe, I may not be as good as you think I am, but I'll try my best!! Muah! :D
Sunday, July 31, 2011
1st day of fasting month!
Okay, now where do we start ? Hmm I'm writing now at 6am.. Weew, what a wonderful dawn. August 1st 2011. As soon as I woke up, aroun 5am earlier, my throat hurts like HELL, and I have this light head ache, what on earth man, come on! It's monday morning!!!! T_T Furthurmore, its the first fasting day!!! I hope I'm not gonna be sick later. Hey you guys, puasa ke ? Haha, make sure you guys niat betul2 okay. I have tuition classes after school today, around 4pm - 10pm.. Wth? Lol. yeah. True. 4.15pm - 7pm I have english class, then 8pm - 10pm I'll have bahasa melayu class. I know all of you must've thought, " alah, bm ngan bi je, belajar sendiri boleh score!" NO! hhahaha In school, my test marks will be like around 75+ to 80+ only. COME ON, bm is also the same thing, but when I come to tuition do you know how my english marks is ? Lower than 60!!! That means, I suck! In tuition they mark differently, in tuition is better, they teach me deeply, but in school? Wth I'm telling you, TEACHER! WE'RE NOT A KINDERGARDEN KIDS OKAY! We're early ADULTS!! LOL We're turning 18 NEXT YEAR!! We need to take english seriously!! English is an INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE OKAY! Which you and me need to be pro at! Eh eh sorry but it's true. Okay I'm ready to go to school now, haha have a nice wonderful fantastico day yo! xxoxo
Bulan Ramadan ? Yes Puasa!

Meh aku kongsi sikit hape yang aku jumpa :-
Ibadat puasa adalah ibadah dikerjakan dengan berlapar dan berdahaga sepanjang hari iaitu sejak terbitnya fajar sodiq (masuk waktu Subuh) hingga terbenamnya matahari (masuk waktu Maghrib). Antara hikmah dan faedah ibadat puasa ialah menginsafkan diri bahawa kita pada hakikatnya adalah makhluk yang dhaif yang perlu sentiasa menghampirkan diri dan beribadat kepada Allah s.w.t. serta mengharapkan limpah kurnia-Nya.
Firmah Allah s.w.t. menjelaskan tentang hikmah puasa Ramadhan yang bermaksud:
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan berpuasa atas kamu sebagaimana diwajibkan atas umat-umat yang terdahulu sebelum kamu, semoga kamu bertakwa" (Surah al-Baqarah:183)
Dengan puasa juga, kita akan memperolehi kesihatan jasmani dan rohani. Sabda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. yang bermaksud: "Berpuasalah kamu, tentu kamu akan sihat." Sabda Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. lagi: "Perut besar itu adalah sarang penyakit dan banyak makan itu punca segala penyakit."
Selain daripada itu, puasa juga mempunyai hikmah dan faedah seperti:
- Tanda bersyukur kepada Allah s.w.t. atas limpah kurnia nikmatNya yang tidak terhingga
- Mendidik nafsu ammarah (yang lebih banyak mengajak kepada keburukan) agar berubah menjadi nafsu lawwamah dan seterusnya meningkat kepada nafsu mutmainnah yakni nafsu yang tenang tenteram, bersedia menjunjung titah perintah Allah s.w.t.
- Melatih dan mendidik jiwa supaya mempunyai sifat kasihan belas terhadap orang-orang yang susah menderita dan kurang bernasib baik kehidupan mereka
- Membersihkan diri daripada sifat-sifat mazmumah (keji) seperti tamak, sombong, hasad dengki dan lain-lain lagi
- Mendidik jiwa supaya bersifat sabar, tahan menanggung kesusahan dan pelbagai cabaran dalam menempuh perjuangan hidup
- Memperolehi kecerdasan akal dan fikiran sebagaimana disebut dalam satu riwayat maksudnya: "Orang yang lapar perutnya itu tajamlah fikirannya dan teranglah hatinya."
Oleh kerana sangat besar faedah dan manfaatnya ibadah puasa kepada kita, maka selain puasa yang wajib pada bulan Ramadhan, ada lagi puasa-puasa sunat yang elok dilakukan sepanjang tahun iaitu seperti yang akan disebutkan nanti.
Puasa pada bulan Ramadhan difardhukan kepada setiap individu Muslim dan Muslimah yang telah 'aqil baligh dan ketiadaan uzur syar'i. Uzur puasa seperti sakit dan dalam perjalanan (musafir) sejauh 91km. atau lebih. Orang yang uzur boleh meninggalkan puasanya. tetapi wajib mengqadhanya pada hari dan bulan yang lain.
Puasa Ramadhan adalah menjadi salah satu rukun Islam yang kelima. Pahala melakukannya tersangat besar, sebagaimana sabda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. yang bermaksud: "Sesiapa berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan dalam keadaan beriman dan kerana menuntutkan keredhaan Allah s.w.t., nescaya diampunkan dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu." (Rujuk: Al-Targhib II:206)
Sabda Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w.: "Setiap amanalan anak Adam (manusia) itu digandakan satu kebaikan dengan sepuluh yang seumpamanya hingga kepada 700 kali ganda. Firman Allah s.w.t. (maksudnya) :" Kecuali puasa yang dikerjakan untuk Ku, maka Aku-lah yang membalasnya. Dia menahan syahwatnya dan meninggalkan makan kerana Aku" Bagi orang yang puasa itu ada dua kegembiraan, iaitu gembira ketika berbuka (atau berhari raya) dan gembira ketika menemui Tuhannya kelak. Dan, demi bau mulut orang yang berpuasa itu lebih harum daripada bau kasturi." (Riwayat Muslim dari Abu Hurairah)
1. Puasa enam hari dalam bulan Syawal
Fadhilat atau keutamaannya sangat besar sebagaimana sabda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. yang bermaksud: "Sesiapa berpuasa Ramadhan, kemudian diiringi dengan puasa (sunnat) enam hari dalam bulan Syawal adalah seperti puasa selama setahun." (Riwayat Muslim)
Cara melakukannya yang terbaik (afdal) secara berturut-turut dan dimulakan pada hari kedua bulan Syawal, tetapi boleh dan sah dengan tidak berturut-turut, misalnya sehari puasa dua hari tidak, kemudian puasa lagi, asalkan genap enam hari didalam bulan Syawal. Malah sesetengah ulama mengharuskan puasa enam hari dalam bulan Syawal diniatkan berserta puasa qadha Ramadhan.
2. Puasa hari 'Arafah (9 Zulhijjah)
Disunatkan kepada orang yang tidak melakukan ibadah haji. Fadhilatnya sangat besar sebagaimana dijelaskan menerusi hadith daripada Abi Qatadah r.a. ujurnya, Rasullullah s.a.w. telah ditanya oleh sahabat mengenai puasa hari 'Arafah, sabdanya bermaksud: "Ia menghapuskan dosa setahun yang lalu dan tahun-tahun kemudiannya." (Riwayatkan oleh Muslim dan al-Turmuzi)
Menerusi hadith daripada Abi Qatadah r.a. juga bahawa Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud: "Puasa pada hari 'Arafah itu menghapuskan dosa dua tahun yang lalu dan tahun yang akan datanag." (Diriwayat oleh Muslim)
3. Puasa pada bulan Muharram
Daripada Abi Hurairah r.a. katanya, telah bersabda Rasullullah s.a.w. yang maksudnya: "Seafdal-afdal puasa selepas Ramadhan ialah puasa pada bulan Allah iaitu bulan Muharram dan seafdal-afdal solat selepas solat fardhu ialah solat malam." (Riwayat Muslim)
Daripada Ibu 'Abbas r.a. katanya, telah bersabda Rasullullah s.a.w. maksudnya: "Sesiapa berpuasa pada hari 'Arafah nescaya terhapus dosanya dua tahun dan sesiapa berpuasa satu hari daripada bulan Muharram maka untuknya setiap sehari (mendapat pahala) 30 hari." (Dikeluarkan oleh al-Tabrani)
4. Puasa pada hari 'Asyura (10 Muharram)
Daripada Abi Qatadah r.a. bahawasanya Rasullullah s.a.w. telah ditanya mengenai puasa hari 'Asyura (yakni hari ke-10 bulan Muharram) maka sabda Baginda s.a.w. yang bermaksud: "Ia akan menghapuskan dosa setahun yang lalu." (Riwayat Muslim)
5. Puasa hari Tasu'a (Tanggal 9 Muharram)
Ia disunatkan, namun Rasullullah s.a.w. belum sempat mengerjakannya, bagaimanapun Baginda s.a.w. bersabda maksudnya: "Sesungguhnya jika aku hidup pada tahun hadapan, aku akan berpuasa pada 9 Muharra,." (Riwayat Ahmad dan Muslim)
Puasa sunnat pada hari ke-10 Muharram hendaklah digabungkan dengan hari sebelumnya iaitu pada hari ke-9 atau dengan hari selepasnya (yakni hari ke-11) dan lebih baik lagi dikerjakan tiga hari berturut-turut iaitu ke-9,ke-10 dan ke-11. Jika ditunggalkan 10 Muharram sahaja maka hukumnya makruh kerana menyerupai amalan orang Yahudi.
Sabda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang bermaksud: "Berpuasalah pada hari 'Asyura (10 Muharram) dan jangalah menyamai perbuatan orang Yahudi; oleh itu berpuasalah sehari sebelum dan sehari sesudahnya." (Riwayat Imam Ahmad)
6. Puasa bulan Sya'aban
Daripada Usamah bin Zaid r.a. katanya, aku berkata: "Wahai Rasullullah, tidak saya lihat tuan hamba berpuasa satu bulan daripada bulan-bulan (dalam setahun selain Ramadhan) seperti tuan berpuasa pada bulan Sya'aban." Sabda Rasullullah s.a.w.: "Bulan ini (yakni bulan Sya'aban) ialah bulan yang manusia lalai padanya antara Rajab dan Ramadhan, pada hal ia (yakni bulan Sya'aban) adalah bulan diangkat amalan kepada Tuhan seru sekelian alam, maka aku suka amalanku diangkat dan aku berpuasa." (Riwayat al-Nasai)
Ummu Salamah r.a. pula berkata: "Tidak pernah aku lihat Rasullullah s.a.w. berpuasa dua bulan berturut-turut melainkan pada bulan Sya'aban dan Ramadhan." (Riwayat al-Turmuzi)
7. Puasa pada hari Isnin dan Khamis
Daripada Abi Hurairah r.a. daripada Rasullullah s.a.w. sabdanya: "Diperlihatkan (kehadrat Allah s.w.t.) segala amalan itu pada hari Isnin dan Khamis, justeru saya suka ketika diperlihatkan amalan-amalanku itu sedang aku berpuasa." (Riwayat al-Turmuzi)
Menurut riwayat Muslim diterima daripada Abu Qatadah, pernah ditanyakan kepada Rasullullah sa.w. tentang puasa pada hari Isnin, maka Baginda s.a.w. menjawab dengan sabdanya yang bermaksud: Itulah hari yang padanya aku dilahirkan, padanya aku dibangkitkan menajdi Rasul dan padanya Al-Quran diturunkan kepadaku." (Subul al-Salam)
8. Puasa hari Rabu, Khamis dan Jumaat
Daripada 'Ubaid bin Muslim al-Qurasyi daripada bapanya r.a. ujurnya, aku bertanya atau ditanya oleh Baginda Rasullullah s.a.w. mengenai puasa dahar (sepanjang tahun), maka Baginda Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud: Tidak (maksudnya tidak dibenarkan puasa tersebut), kerana sesungguhnya untuk keluargamu atas dirimu ada hak. Oleh itu berpuasalah pada bulan Ramadhan dan yang mengikutinya (enam hari dalam bulan Syawal), dan pada setiap hari Rabu dan Khamis, maka anda sungguh telah (mendapat pahala) puasa sepanjang tahun dan anda juga telah berbuka." (Riwayat Abu Dawud, al-Nasai dan al-Turmuzi)
Daripada Anas bin Malik r.a. bahawa beliau telah mendengar Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda bermaksud: Sesiapa berpuasa pada hari Rabu, Khamis dan Jumaat, nescaya Allah s.w.t. membina untuknya sebuah istana disyurga daripada permata, yaqut dan zabarzad dan dicatat baginya bebas dari api neraka>" (Riwayat al-Tabrani)
Menerusi riwayat daripada Ibnu Umar r.a., Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud: "Sesiapa berpuasa pada hari Rabu, Khamis dan Jumaat, kemudian bersedekah pada hari Jumaat sedikit atau banyak, nescaya diampunkan semua dosanya hingga menjadi seperti bayi yang baru dilahirkan oleh ibunya, bersih daripada segala dosa." (Dikeluarkan oleh al-Tabrani)
9. Puasa pada hari Putih (13,14 dan 15 bulan Islam)
Diriwayatkan daripada Jarir r.a. daripada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. yang bermaksud: "Berpuasa tiga hari pada setiap bulan adalah puasa sepanjang tahun iaitu puasa pada hari-hari putih - pada hari 13,14 dan 15 (bulan Qamariyah)." (Riwayat al-Nasai dengan sanad yang sohih)
10. Puasa tiga hari pada setiap bulan
Diriwayatkan oleh Muslim daripada Abi Qatadah, bahawasanya Baginda Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda maksudnya: "Puasa tiga hari pada setiap bulan, Ramadhan ke Ramadhan itulah puasa sepanjang masa."
Mengenai berpuasa tiga hari pada setiap bulan, ada beberapa pendapat Ulama. Antaranya dikatakan puasa tiga hari itu ialah puasa pada 13,14 dan 15. Inilah pendapat kebanyakkan Ulama, antara lain Umar, Ibnu Mas'ud, Abu Zar, al-Syafi'i, Abu Hanifah, Ahmad dan Ishaq.
Sementara al-Nakha'i berpendapat ialah puasa tiga hari pada akhir bulan.
11. Puasa selang-seli (sehari puasa sehari tidak)
Hadith daripada Abdullah bin 'Amru ibnu al-'As r.a. bahawasanya Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud: "Telah sampai berita kepadaku bahawa anda berpuasa pada waktu siang dan berjaga (kerana beribadah) waktu malam. Jangan buat demikian kerana untuk jasadmu atas dirimu ada habuan, untuk matamu atas dirimu ada habuan dan untuk isterimu ada habuan. Puasalah dan berbukalah. Puasa tiga hari pada setiap bulan, maka dengan demikian anda mendapat pahala sepanjang tahun." Aku berkata: " Wahai Rasullullah, aku mempunyai kekuatan (keupayaan untuk berpuasa). Sabda Baginda Rasullullah s.a.w. "Maka berpuasalah puasa NabiDaud a.s. iaitu berpuasalah sehari dan berbuka sehari." (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Daripada Abdullah bin 'Amru ibnu al'As katanya, telah bersabda Rasullullah sa.w. bermaksud: "Puasa yang paling disukai oleh Allah s.w.t. ialah puasa Nabi Daud dan solat yang paling disukai Allah s.w.t. ialah solat Nabi Daud, baginda tidur separuh malam dan bangun beribadah sepertiga malam dan tidur seperempat malam dan baginda berpuasa sehari dan berbuka sehari." (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
1. Dalam mencari pahala puasa sunnat, janga tersalah hari-hari yang diharamkan berpuasa iaitu:
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