Tuesday, December 6, 2011

SPM over, birthday starts baby .

So this is how it goes, It's December 6th, 2011 where I sat for my last SPM paper. It ends around 4 o'clock just now. Well I'm glad that my school friends didn't actually forgot my birthday! Well, this year's birthday aren't that suprising and not exactly that fun nor near to great at all. It's cool that as soon as I finished my exam my birthday starts and hey! I'm officially 17 and a half now! hahah yeayy.. *claps* .

Well, I appreciate mum's effort by buying me a cake and my favourite sushiess.. and her lovely lovely loving birthday card for me.. I love my mom. Surely she's the best mom ever! :)) She'd never forget your birthday and not even a cake. Though it's not very special, but in way, still special. By having her beside me still, is my greatest gift. Though I arranged the candles by myself on my own cake, I light it up and I took pictures of it by myself, well mum took some too. It's not as great as how it was.. guess it's a sign that I'm getting older.. Hmm I miss how when I was younger I get to go this speacial place.. get loads of gifts and stuffs. It was hell fun and I enjoyed alot. I miss those moments, wishing I could turn back time. :)

Oh well, as usual.. was expecting hella suprise. Guess what, I did had a suprise, by suprising that nothing happened today! That's a reall suprise. How sad is that when you actualy expecting** things on your birthday but nothing actualyy happens at all. But still I appreciate the wishes. Hmm I thought I could hangout and have fun with my buddiess.. but sadly their not even available for me. Still the same if your exam ends today but no ones there to hangout with you, it's still as boring as ever.

My god.. how much lonelier can I be ? I miss my last year's birthday. They suprised me well, I had much fun and I love it! I can never forget it as I love it though it's a memory when I was in love with someone. It's painful to think how much of the good and the bad memories we've had and finaly it has come to an end. I'm glad it ended this year. I may not even want to think of the bad things and think negatively about everything. I must have this positive things around me then only I can be happy. And this is what I'm doing now. I think I'm just gonna accept everything and just be me. Tired of being angry and depressed all time. It's almost christmas and I wish him nothing but the best. Hoping that he'll never turn back anymore. All the best in everything you do :)

Sorry mates if it's boring, I'll try to come up with better ones next time okay. It's just that I'm not exactly that happy today..I'm just excited that there's no more uniforms :)  Hoping that tomorow will be a better day.. please keep reading, I'll try make some funny stories okay.. :) love yalll xx . I'm hell yeah happy that school time has finally come to an end. HELL YEAHH. Love SHER xx ;) 


  1. ahhaha~
    i like it~
    but somehow, i dunnoe.
    i feel like crying reading it~
    maybe cause of my phone been playing sad song~
    #patah seribu : shila amzah

    btw, i love the surprise part, whre u got no surprising things at all~
    but get use to it ok.
    as u grow older, ur bersday get less cooler~
    hahahah~ :P

  2. nahh to the above commentor ..xD as you get older your suprises are gonna get awesomer..this year your friends are buzy maa... coll, work and all the other shit ....i bet when we're 20 ... things will eventually turn around and we'll probably die from the surprises our friends plans fer us .... hahah !! so no worries..my bday sucked too =.=''


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