Sunday, July 31, 2011

1st day of fasting month!

Okay, now where do we start ? Hmm I'm writing now at 6am.. Weew, what a wonderful dawn. August 1st 2011. As soon as I woke up, aroun 5am earlier, my throat hurts like HELL, and I have this light head ache, what on earth man, come on! It's monday morning!!!! T_T Furthurmore, its the first fasting day!!! I hope I'm not gonna be sick later. Hey you guys, puasa ke ? Haha, make sure you guys niat betul2 okay. I have tuition classes after school today, around 4pm - 10pm.. Wth? Lol. yeah. True. 4.15pm - 7pm I have english class, then 8pm - 10pm I'll have bahasa melayu class. I know all of you must've thought, " alah, bm ngan bi je, belajar sendiri boleh score!" NO! hhahaha In school, my test marks will be like around 75+ to 80+ only. COME ON, bm is also the same thing, but when I come to tuition do you know how my english marks is ? Lower than 60!!! That means, I suck! In tuition they mark differently, in tuition is better, they teach me deeply, but in school? Wth I'm telling you, TEACHER! WE'RE NOT A KINDERGARDEN KIDS OKAY! We're early ADULTS!! LOL We're turning 18 NEXT YEAR!! We need to take english seriously!! English is an INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE OKAY! Which you and me need to be pro at! Eh eh sorry but it's true. Okay I'm ready to go to school now, haha have a nice wonderful fantastico day yo! xxoxo


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