Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A very sweet gift from a very sweet friend :)

You see this guy up here? He put a way big smile on my face by his sweet video, okay, I know I know, it wasn't really that goood though.. haha! But hey, I appreciate the efforts he had put in. Though he doesn't really know me neither have met me before yet he made this video for me just to make me smile? And yes I did smile! And still is.. :) He is just someone I added in fb and we became good friends. For now, I can tell that he's such a thoughtful and sweet person. Am glad to have known this person as my friend. Hoping that one fine day, we'll meet and became better friends :) Thank you so much for the video, this isn't just any gift, this is one of my sweetest gift of all years, thanks lovely ~ ! <33 


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