Akak Aini's few years back birthday, I have forgotten when. |
Akak Aini and Akak Anim in Akak Anim's room lol. |
Akak Aini SASSY |
Ouh, bubble :D ( outside of the house ) |
Akak Aini's 23rd's birthday, this year. |
when she was 21. |
when she was even younger(outside of the house, at the fish pond with my Kaknim) |
When she's even younger! This is captured in US. |
Okay, I have 5 siblings and I am the youngest. Recently, my sister just head back to Australia to continue her studies.. She was here for the past few weeks till this morning.. I miss her, though I don't show much but I am haha.. Actualy I miss the old days.. where everyone are home, I miss the jokes we made.. Now, I feel more lonely, I wonder how more lonlier my parents felt, my 3rd sister and my grandma would have felt right now.. Maybe they feel lonely just like me. I'm now living with my parents, my dear 80+ old grandmother and my down syndrome sister. Yes I have a down syndrome sister which is 23 years old this year. Her name is Nurul Aini.. The cutest god's creature on earth, down syndrome people and my sister is one of them. These special people belongs in heaven. These kind of people needs an extra care, they can't do things by themselves, they can't think straight like us normal people, but as far as I know about these special people they don't like other people arguing infront of them or talking out loud as if they're fighting. As for example, my mom and my sister (2nd sibling, Animz) talking loudly and laughing with each other infront of Akak Aini, somehow Akak Aini will say " shutt uppp!" haha! Cute huh ? LOL.. Yess.. she'll also say " go away".. haha :P According to Akak Aini, she acts like a baby.. I bath her, I help her change diapers, I entertain her, I sang with her.. I do this stuffs, but not always.. I know I should do this everyday with her, and make her happy.. But I didn't, I realise that I was being cold hearted so I decided to show her my love, by being with her more. This year I'm quite busy with tuition and school.. Every weekdays from monday to friday I have tuition around 4pm to 10pm. But I'll get home around 10.30pm to 11pm.. It's freaking tiring.. I didn't go tuition yesterday as it was the 1st day of bulan ramadhan. Thought of staying home and buka puasa with my family. Furthurmore I was dead sick. Severe head ache and super weak/warm body. Usualy I'll be back from school around 2.15pm to 2.40pm.. Then I have to rush back home and take my shower quickly and wait for Coach (tuition teacher) to pick me up( it's the other way round lol, he waited for me!) Haha! yess sometimes I'll be sleeping, or was on the net, mostly I'd be sleeping and haven't taken my shower yet when he arrived, then my dad will be like " shadaaaa!, tu cikgu dah sampai tu" and I was like " WTF!" (fish okay), I was laying naked on my bed and coach was already outside and waiting! Then my dad will be like " SHADA! CEPATLAH! CIKGU TUNGGU TU!" Okay, when I'm all set with my smelly body, walking outside slowly... salam ayah with his scary look then I ran straight outside to coach's car. Okay my point is, I don't spend much time at home. I'm gladly waiting for next year as I'll be FREE, no more school nor tuition. How nice would that be ? I have most of the time at home don't you think ? I wonder how would it be in the future, I would love to study abroad but who'll be at home to accompany my parents ? My sister ? Whose gonna take care of them ? My elder brother is married, have a son and staying in Damansara, my 2nd sister Akak Anim is married too but still studying in Australia, next year will be her last year and her husband is staying in Perak. My fourth brother, Imran is only 19 years old this year and is staying with my big brother Hakim in Damansara. Okay.. I will be continue studying again next year after my SPM results come out. So now that non of us will be staying at home. Haih, everyone is all grown up and doing their own things. If not, we're all will be together, going out makan dinner together and do stuffs together, mocking each other, playing a fool with each other, shouting here there laughing here and there, I MISS THAT! I FEEL LONELY NOWW! :( Maybe that's why some teenagers go out often, lepaking here there with friends because they feel lonely. SOME. SOME teenagers. And maybe SOME teenagers are really bastards. You know what, to those who still have a family, a brother, a sister, and parents living with you, appreciate them to the very end. Friends aren't forever,you can find another friend in a minute. Family, no matter what, they will be there for you. And you can't find another family in a minute when they're gone. So all I'm saying is, be at home more, show love to your family, appreciate them and value them to the very end. What comes first ? God, yourself, family then your boyfriends and girlfriends. OKAY! Anyway, talking about love at young age, that's not love at all! I had my first love when I was 16, it was just an attraction and nothing else. Come'on them whose 13,14,15,16 whose crying over love, PLEASE get over it! You still have long way more to go, SPM pon tak pass lagi. And to SPM students whose in love, please focus more on studies okay, and to those whose 17 like me! That's crying because of love, SNAP OUT OF IT, SPM is around the corner, show your exs that your not a loser! Show them that you can live and do things perfectly without them. ;) Okay I'm tired of typing now.. lol sorry for crapping :D Have a nice day! xx
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