Monday, September 19, 2011

I Smile

* I sing this song to myself, almost every song that describes my feelings I'll sing to myself since no one would sing for me! lol I have me and myself.. So since I have me, I let ME sing for ME!!! In that way, I love ME more <33 I thank me.. for loving ME the way me is!! <33 lol. 
I mean, I am trying to tell myself that I am not alone, and I taught myself to be strong and stand up for myself. I learn so many things everyday. And when I've made a mistake, I take that as a lesson today for a better day tomorow. And if I feel like I'm the worst out of the worst, I will tell myself, that if do think so I'm worst, bad, idiot or whatsoever, I will shout to myself in my heart saying " If you wanna be the best among the best, be one, act like one, wake up, stand up, show your true colours and do everything at the best you can" I will motivate myself like that. I will not let myself down. If people ever say I'm ugly, I'm fat, hideous and the worst of worst they said to me, I won't let those words bring me down.  
                   I learnt to love myself not so long ago, and nothing can hurt me so easily now. I am wiser after all the incidents, experiences, mistakes I had.. I have no regrets and I am living an superb awsome life right now with all the superb and such wonderful people around me, before this, I never try to know myself, i never put the efforts to do so as I thought I know myself and I thought I loved myself but I neve was, and I keep hurting myself in certain ways. I was near the edge and I fell, I was lost, they told me, it's okay, I'm here for you, you have a long way more to go, stand up, you are strong and they gave me the smile. So I smile, and I learnt so be stronger. I learnt to be strong in so many ways.  
Everytime my tear drops, there will always someone who will hold my hand and brighten up my day. And they are my friends. My true friends whose always there for me. Now that I am stronger, happier it was all because of them and I guess now it's my turn to give them what they deserve, that is, my honesty, loyalty and love.  
( the more you love yourself, the better you know yourself, the bigger the love you have for others, the wiser your thinking, the bigger the smile you have, the more people will love you, the bigger your heart, the more happy you will be!) so love yourself before you start to love anyone other than you! <3 haha :) 
Need the courage to smile and be stronger ?? Maybe this song below could give you the courage, take a look! :- 

To every each one of you, there will always be a shade behind your oh my happy smile, only you yourself know it.. I just want to share the songs that gives me courage to be stronger and I hope it works for you too.. And I just want my loved ones to always be happy, which is my family, my parents mostly!! , my lovely old friends (Nur Atiqah, Ain Salsabila, Nurul Saidah, Gusnimal Sofia and dear I'll never forget you, Fazlieana* I love you guys like so damn much!*), My EQ friends (the f4's, f3's and f5's especially),EQ teachers, ex EQ students no I'll never forget you guys, Aunty!! JANET! Sis Anita, Coach.. And lastly my best sistas : Nitz, Sharanya, Kavi, Tresa and Sunita <3Oh not to mention, my lovey dovey facebook friends!!! :D I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! I love you guys with all my heart!! <3<3 All of you guys, are already tatooed right at the bottom of my heart, here, now and forever. :) If you ever feel low, remember me, I'll make you feel high. LOL NO.. I mean, remember me, you know you can call me up and hey, my ears are all yours then . :D

Now, lets have our sunny day!! :-

And guys remember that...
.... that I will always be with you..

I don't know how I'll be without you... :-

Okay now let's shake our assets TONIGHT!! and especially on that very day! DECEMBER 6!!!! Where my last SPM paper ends! And my smurfing BIRTHDAY startsss!!! Oh yeah <3

And keep our heads up!  ....

...till the world ends... :-

Thank You for viewing!  Please come again soon! <3


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