I said, Nek peace nek peace!! :D |
I held her hand in the car then she never let go. |
Covered her face as I was taking a pic of her. |
Hari Raya, my late grandpa with my bro in law. ( sorry senget) |
An 85+ years old grandmother of mine, mother's side.. The one and only grandma I have right now. Gotta appreciate the presence of her, gotta take care of her, while shes still living in the same roof with me, she needs her grandchild to entertain her, to help her, to love her, to be with her. She is old and more like a child. Her shoe size is 2 unlike mine around 7 to 8. I don't wanna lose her like how I lost my grandpa few years back. I miss my grandpa, his love, his laughter, his smile.. I miss him to the max. I still remember where he used to sneak out from his room to the kitchen around 12 a.m just to take few ice cubes to his mouth. Hehe, I saw him, I silently walking and I hid, he was on a wheel chair from his room slowly he turned it when he arrived in the kitchen by the fridge, he will look left and right, he'll make sure no one sees him taking the ice cubes, but atuk! gotcha! hehe, It was so cute, imagine, with no teeth, sneaking out at night to the kitchen to eat ice cubes :') So many funny memories I had with my grandpa, he used to get angry with me, oh yeah! I remembered my grandma chase after me for bringing a lost cat from school! Hehe! Because shes the one who'll be feeding the cats and stuffs, I was still young at the time, I was around standard 3. Imagine a grandmother chasing a 9 years old girl with a cat in her arms infront of the house ? hahah!!! FUNNY! Lastly she can't catch me she locked the door and left me outside until my mom's home around 6pm, she locked me around 12 ++ or maybe 1 ++pm.. Omg.. hahahah, Hmm. And there are times where I used to fight with my grandpa for changing the channel, I was watching disney then he changed to Tv3 to watch berita and gerak khas! I ran crying to my room because I can't watch my channel. Hehe. That happens everyday. I told him "Atuk, kan dah bace surat khabar pagi tadi, kenape nak tengok berita tv3 lagi, bagi la chance shada tengok movie shada pulak! Asyik2 atukk jee!! " , Atuk : " Surat khabar tak best". Then I merajuk. hahahah. When I was in primary school, I hate school, I don't like going to school, as people like to bully me alot, took my money, SPIT on me. I was such such a loser in primary school seriously, when I wanted to fold my school tudung like how every normal school girl do right, I'll be like tarik tudung bawah2 until my whole face is covered, then I lipat at the side, then I pull it back. I look rediculous. LOL.. Okay the point I'm telling you about school while in primary is because whenever I didn't go to school that time, my late grandpa will be searching for me, and I'll be hiding either under the blanket in my mom's room, in the toilet, or in the wardrobe.. Lol.. He'll be with a freaking huge rotan and calling my nickname, " shadaaa! mane kamu, pergi sekolah cepat! Asal tak pergi sekolah!! Nanti Atuk sebat karang! " Then he caught me, that time my bro also never went to school.. He caught the both of us, then ask us to lift the round chair, what ah, oh we call it "bangku" .. He asked us to lift the bangku for hours, whipped us, scolded us kow2.. Lol.. We cried like hell. hahahah! So funny. I regret and realised when he left. I used to scold him for taking ice cubes because his legs was swollen. And he was having alot of diease. ALOT. I acted as if I was older. LOL.. But I was just so young.. I remembered my science teacher told me, if human's shit turns black that means, masanya dah nak sampai lah tu.. Tak lama je lagi.. That's when I was in form 2, my late grandpa was deadly sick. He could not control his digestion and stuffs, and when I found out about the black feces, I freaked out, and started to take care of him more seriously, after few days back, I was guiding him with his medications, he told me " shada, nanti.. bila atuk dah takde.. shada tolong jaga nenek ye.. " then I cut the line, I get angry, because I don't want him to go, I told him " atuk jangan cakap bukan2 la, atuk akan duduk sini sampai bila2! Atuk sihat lagi ni.. tu shada kate jangan amik ice! Degil la atuk ni.. " then my late grandpa was quiet and took his medication.. T_T few weeks back.. He fell in the toilet, he couldn't get up his head was bleeding, he fell in the toilet naked, in such a messy condition.. my 2 bros went and help to lift him up, he cried, I was so sad by the time, I was shocked and very sad to see his condition.. My mom called an ambulance, mom asked me to feed him, I fed him half boiled eggs as that what he wants, and gave him drink warm water. He was laying on the floor, and I fed him while he was laying on the cold floor. And he was suffering to eat it. Then he was sent to the hospital, a few days in the hospital, my brother and my mom's brother ( paklong).. slept in the hospital together with my grandpa, the next day at dawn, either my bro or my uncle realised suddenly they tried to talk to him, he didn't respond, then they checked him, and.. he's gone. My brother straight call my mom and when we heard the news, it was the most heart breaking news ever in my life, the first person ever that I love passed away. The first person in my family, living in the same roof, passed away. I didn't get the chance to apologised to him, I was crying in bedroom.. Few months back, I dreamt of him, in his room, I went to his room, my late grandpa was laying on the bed was very healthy with my grandma.. In that dream, he already passed away, I went to his room because I miss the presence of him, but then suddenly my grandpa was there, I wet my face with tears and apologise to him straight away, and the said, " shada, atuk maafkan shada.... " I hugged him tightly and I keep repeating " atuk, atuk " crying .. sob sob T_T Then I woke up all of the sudden and my face was wet. My eyes were red and full of tears. Okay.. enough of the sad story, grr I cried while typing this.. I miss my late grandpa. Haihh.. Okay.. maybe you guys also very tired of reading my craps. Cerita pun tunggang langgang. lol Sorry! So you guys, if you still have your grandparents, value and love them to the max, their not gonna be long here, love them!! They're your only grandparents. Entertain them, talk to them, though they might be pelupa, orang tua, biasalah. They'll keep asking the same question again an again, it happens to me many times with my grandma.. Its a pizza she said kepala ikan. =.= I told her, nek.. ni bukan kepala ikan.. ni roti.. roti pizza nek... Nenek : hmm ? hmm then continues eating.. Nenek : Ape besar sangat kepala ikan tu.. ? Eeeh geli aku. Me : Nek... ni bukan kepala ikan.. ni roti nek.. pizza nek.. Nenek : Pizza ? Eeeh. ntah ape tah.. geli aku.. Me: Iye lahh nekk... Mom: LOL-ling.. hahah Nenek : Apa tu.. kepala ikan apa tu.. apa makan kepala ikan tu.. sedap ke ? Mom : hahah, Roti lah mak, pizza.. pizza.. Nak sikit ? Nenek : Eeeh, tamau aku,, and continues eating.. ........ hahahahaha.... I was like.. " ?????? nenekk!! " hahahaha This happen sahur pagi tadi. So funny and cute.. hahaha Okay its 12.04 am August 4th. I tak tidur lagi, later gotta wake up by 5am.. haiya.... then later will have to go to school, belajar juga adalah suatu ibadat.. haaa, pergi la sekolah.. orang yang perut lapar berpuasa kerana Allah, hati lebih tenang pemikiran lebih tajam so I thought of that, I aso pergilah sekolah.. hahahaha Okay.. enough of the crappy stories of mine, sorry if you think reading this is waste of time, sorry I didnt waste your time, you visited and read my craps, Haha you! anyway hope you guys get something by reading this.. Maybe some moral values... I hope you guys get it... lol.. I love you guys.. muah muahh! Have a nice day people. Don't worry, be Happy ;) smile always xxooxo.
hahahah very interesting story ,
ReplyDeletelove your blog girl ""'
i'm waiting forward for more posts
all the best :)
Awww thank you so much! You're the first person ever to comment!! Thank you so much!! Have a nice day xx