Saturday, July 30, 2011

Notty Tikus!

You'll never know what a cat might do to you! It'll crawl at nights.. slowly.. step by step.... BOOM! Then it'll start meowing! And meowing! AND MEOWING! AND BITE YOU! The greatest creature on earth. A monster. A CUTE monster. HAHA. I have tons of cats at home, I mean used to. I used to have like up to 20 cats! LAST TIME. Now it's around 6 cats, plus one kitten I found by the roadside, so cute, black and white and a half black and white ass!! SUPER CUTE! with a rat face ? Oh my. HAHA, I thought that kitten is a quiet type, a kind quiet kitty, but I was so SO wrong. I've been keeping that cat for like few months. It has grown abit and become very NOTTY. Meow here and there, with the rat face. Guess what my mom called it? TIKUS! or maybe KUS ?! OR TIK ?! WHAT ? MOM!!! ahahaha xD What ever it is, I love that kitty, though it likes to bite me and shit everywhere in my house, I still love you okay! Muah muah! haha


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