Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sunday Morning !

Good morning guys! I'm kinda new with this stuff so please help me all the way and I'm sorry if it sucks! I'm still learning! Hehe, Well as you know, it's 31st July 2011, Sunday Morning! Actualy I just woke up and thought of writing. I just wanna practice writing. Craps or not, I'll write it all! Well let's talk about what I do every sunday morning. Ohh My GOD, I'm a lazy bone! I'm a lazy freaky pig! haha Yes I admit it. Usualy every sunday I'd be still sleeping right now, but I don't know I woke up bit earlier than I thought I would. I slept very late yesterday on a phone with a boy whose quite attractive to me. Haha I kinda like him but he already with someone for like freakin FOUR years ?! haha Awsome huh! I love long term relationship! My last relationship only last for 7month due to some problems we had. I knew the relationship wasn't healthy, and I was affected, and it's over few months ago, and I am all good now, I found myself back, I recovered from such horrible pain, but! I'm all right now. :) You know what, I haven't had my shower yet. haha!! Hmm I think i started to like this blog thingy, felt like a new friend, I shall call my blog something. Hmmm. I have to think about the name first then I'll tell ya! Oh, so to the muslims, I guess tomorow we're gonna start FASTING! YEAY~! I can't wait! Because, I want to change, wana do some ibadah, want to SLIM up my body, gona take all the flesh fleby faty blahhaahgafgwfj, all the fats!  The extras on my arms, the hanging fats on my tummy and all parts of body that's full of FATS! Haha Yes I am FAT , BIG AS BUFFALO! LOL of course I'm not that big, but still I have this fats hanging around my body which needs to be distinguish! Lol. Hey as I told you earlier I haven't take my shower yet. Lol and the time now is 10.34 a.m. hehe.. Our Mr. bloggy, I need to go now gotta get my ass up to the toilet and fire up my ass with water. LOL NOO! hahahaha I need to go shower now okay. I'll come back to you sooon!!!! I'll update again sooon or later! MUAHHHCX ! Have a nice day guys xxxoxooxo ( oh yeah, about the dates and time.. it's actualy sunday!!! 31st july okay!! I don't know why the hell this blog put as 30th july saturday! Nak kena ni!! )


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