Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to Snag a Sagittarius

 Be outgoing !

- Sagittarius is an energetic traveler, and you need to be able to keep up. Chat him or her up with tales of your world travels, ask questions about his/her most recent adventures and be spontaneous! If you're shy and reserved, just quit while you're ahead.

Don't be a " Debby Downer " 

- Sagittarius is a major optimist, so don't bring him/her down with your sad stories. Stay upbeat and happy, and Sagittarius will naturally drawn to you.  * just in case if you don't know what " Debby Downer " means. It means..a person who is frequently negetive and complaining, thus bringing down the mood of everyone around. * 

Don't ever be clingy !

-Sagittarius is extremlely indipendent. While he\she can commit when inspired to do so, don't be jealous or possesive, sagittarius will flee at the first sign of Stage 5 Clinger.

Crack a Joke 

- Making a Sagittarius laugh isone of the quickest way to get to his\her heart. If you're not naturally funny, don't force it, but if your sense of humor is a strong suit, flaunt it.


- Sagittariuses have a great deal of respect for themselves and others and you need to respect them too. If a sagittarius can sense that you really respect her and appreciate him/her you'll score major brownie points.


- Sagittarius is quite ambitious and wants a goal-oriented partner. Have some aspirations for yourself, and share them with your Sag love interest.

Lighten Up 

- Don't take yourself too seriously, and avoid getting worked up over small things. Sagittarius is very honest and open and hates overly sensitive people.

Listen !

- Sagittarius is a communicator and loves to talk. Sharpen your listening skills, and you will be appreciated.


- Honesty is the best policy. Sagittarius speaks his/her mind and values honesty and trust. Be open and straightfoward with your Sag, and he/she will recognize your efforts.

* A way to meet my heart ! *
I'm a Sagittarius ;)


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