Wazzzup! It
has been awhile since I last update. Well I had an impromptu speech in college
today but to me it wasn't really an impromptu speech since I prepared a night
before..I've written what to say. I was not satisfied with my speech earlier, I
didn't say what I've intended to say due to my nervous-ness lol. So to fulfill
my satisfaction, I thought of sharing this story here in my precious blog which
I've forgotten for months. haha .
So this is
how it goes, \(^_^)/

I am the
youngest of 5 siblings. As people would normally say, that young ones are
usually the spoiled ones. Uhm, WRONG!!. Well guess what, I am “ not exactly” the spoiled one, lol, not
exactly. I can say that I am quite thoughtful, loving, caring and… a sweetheart
too! *Uhm* Oh well, this speech is not about me, it is about a 24 years old young
woman, suffering with down syndrome.
What is
down syndrome exactly ? Down syndrome is kind of a disorder. A chromosomal
disorder. A person with down syndrome has 47 extra chromosome. People like us
only have 46 chromosome. The person with down syndrome also have similar facial
features with the rest of the people who has the same disorder. Eyes that slant
upward, small ears that may fold over a little at the top, a small mouth,
making the tongue appear large, a small nose with a flattened nasal bridge, a
short neck and also with small hands and feet. Because they have the extra 47
chromosome is what makes them learn a little slower than us. These people
having extra chromosome is what makes them special. Special people like them,
needs extra care and love.
Most people
with down syndrome were not treated with much care and love as how they should
be. Most people like us mistreated them. It is because we do not understand
them. A person with this kind of disorder suffers a great deal. They never ask
to be born this way. They want to live the same as us too, they want to be free
like us, they want to feel the love and warmth of their beloved ones like us
too. They want to be happy and have friends like us too. They are not much of a
difference than us, they are humans that have feelings like us too. But sadly,
most people sees them as a burden in
their lives. Having saliva to be dripping every second which needs to be swiped
off every time, or having them to be screaming in the middle of the night
crying all of the sudden.
I may not
really understand how it feels like being a down syndrome, but I think I would
know how it feels like to be one, as I am living with one. And she is my sister. She was born with
insufficient of back bones with a little too short neck than a down syndrome
would normally have. So she had this surgery, the doctors has taken the lower
back bone and place it to her neck. Once she was in the toilet having a bath
with help of my other older sister. While
she was bathing, my sister left her for a moment due to some things she had to
do real quick. My sister with down syndrome decided to get out of the bath up
and stand up. Unfortunately, she fell down in that slippery toilet. She
couldn’t move, she cries, tears running down her cheeks but she could not help
it until my dad saw her laying down in the toilet with a deep cut on her
forehead. Before she fell, she was pretty normal like us too. It’s just that
she learns a little slower than us do.
After the incident, she became weaker, she
forgets, and surgery after surgery she gained weight. She could not stand long
or walk properly as she has small feet with her big sized body. She cries when mom is away, she gets angry
when her favourite food is not served in a day. She loves the Milo I make, she
would say “ shut up “ with an angry face to the people who argues/ yell or
speaks too loud in front of her. She is
sweet, lovable and understands when we’re sad, happy or angry. She would tap
my back is she saw me crying, she’d say shut up if I speak too loud, she’ll
sing along if I sing for her and dance with me and my late grandma if she hears
her favourite song. She taught me how to love, by sharing me her love. If she
ever cries it would hurt the same as seeing my parents cry.
However, I
thank god for letting my mom delivered a sister like her as she taught me many things
in life. Like happiness, love and the value of a relationship. She taught how
to speak softly like how a lady should be speaking, she made me realize how an
argument can never settle a problem. I appreciate the presence of her as she
makes my day worth waking up for. She gives me happiness, her smile melts me,
her laughter every day, makes my heart sing throughout the day. I could not
imagine my life would be any better without her being in it. She gives a big
impact into my life.
Although her
diaper would leaked and her urine would be messed up on her bed during any time
of the day but that doesn’t matter, she is my sister. As her younger sister, I
am responsible of whatever may happen to her. She yells at night and crying all
night sometimes just for food or drinks.. or it is because she wants attention.
Sometime when she’s thirsty in the middle of the night where everyone had gone
sleeping , she would go to the kitchen and tries to make milo herself. Although
the milo was not prepared as perfect as we normally do, but it shows that she
does not actually want to bother us. She wishes to be born the same so she does
not have burden us. But I am satisfied and happy on how she already is. She was
meant to be born this way and I as her sister gladly accept her, love her and
care for her as she deserved to be treated.
I hope this would change your thoughts towards the people like her, and treat them
equally, love them, cherish them and care for them double then now. Because, no
one in this world is born perfect and we need to pay more attention to the
people with such disorder or any kinds of disorder, they need us . Thank you for reading ! Lovess xxo
Thursday, 2:09AM, 24/01/2013